Ups and Downs

Ups and Downs

Project info CLIENT: Homeworks trust SKILLS: product, packaging Ups and Downs A game designed to facilitate interactions between sexual abuse survivors and their counsellors. From a unique concept developed by Debbie Hager of Homeworks Trust, Paradigm designed the...
Heron’s Flight

Heron’s Flight

Project info CLIENT: Heron’s flight SKILLS: branding, DESIGN, packaging WEB: Branding & Packaging Heron’s Flight is a small sustainably-run vineyard in Matakana. Pioneers in the area in 1987, David Hoskins and Mary Evans have a passion for...
Miere honey

Miere honey

Project info CLIENT: Miere honey SKILLS: branding, Design, Packaging Miere Honey labels Miere is a small Matapori-based natural honey producer with hives located in carefully chosen species-rich areas of our northeast coast. Miere needed an identity to reflect its...
He kete whakataukī

He kete whakataukī

Project info CLIENT: he Puna Rauemi SKILLS: Branding, game, packaging He Kete Whakataukī Whakatauki are Māori proverbs or sayings drawn from tradition but equally relevant today. This unique kit comprises a set of work cards for a counsellor or psychologist to use in...
English Language Partners awards

English Language Partners awards

Project info CLIENT: English language Partners New Zealand SKILLS: Branding, Design, product WEB: ELPNZ Awards English Language Partners works with refugees and migrants to upskill their English language abilities, and provide avenues to...